Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Bartering is not negotiating! Bartering is "trading" for a service, or for the goods you want.
In essence, bartering is simply buying or paying for goods or services
using some thing other than money (coins or government printed paper dollars).
Thus defined, bartering has been around much longer than money as we
know it today.
Recent estimates indicate that at least 60 percent of companies on the
New York Stock Exchange use the principles of bartering as a standard
business practice.
And congressmen barter daily to gain support for their pet projects.
U.S. aircraft manufacturers barter with foreign airlines in order to close
sales on million dollar contracts.
Perhaps you have experienced at one time or another in your life a friend
saying, "Okay, that's one you owe me..."
Basically, that's bartering.To view Article Click Here
(link opens to a new window)
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Monday, June 7, 2010

Make R5 000 Just by Going on Holiday...

And Launch a Mini Freelance Writing Career
There are few publications these days that don’t have a regular travel section.

This means there are hundreds of editors seeking travel stories each week.
Simply by reporting what you get up to on your next holiday, you could make at
least R5 000.

Here’s how to do it.To view ArticleClick Here(link opens to a new window)

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